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    PNB MetLife Smart Invest Pension Plan

    Individual, Non-Participating, Unit linked, Pension Savings Plan | UIN: 117L137V01

    PNB MetLife Smart Invest Pension Plan is an Individual, Non-Participating, Unit linked, Pension Savings Plan. A simple, hassle-free plan helps you accumulate your premiums, Investment with market linked returns there of into a corpus for your retirement. This retirement corpus will ensure a stream of regular guaranteed# income payable for the rest of your lifetime.

    PNB MetLife Smart Invest Pension Plan in a Nutshell:
    • Grow your retirement savings: Take your retirement on a growth journey with upside of market-linked returns
    • Zero Premium Allocation & Policy Administration Charges: Maximize investment growth with no such charges throughout the Policy Term
    • 1Return of Mortality charges
    • Multiple Strategies & Fund options: Choice of three investment strategies and two fund options to suit your varied investment needs (Select from the recently launched Pension Mid Cap Fund & Pension Bond Fund).
    • Multiple Flexibilities like Unlimited Switches, Premium Redirection, Partial Withdrawals, Top -up Premiums.

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    What you don’t get

    In case of death due to suicide within 12 months from the date of commencement of Risk or from the date of revival of the policy, as applicable, the nominee or beneficiary of the policyholder shall be entitled to the Fund Value, as available on the date of intimation of death. Further any charges other than Fund Management Charges (FMC) and guarantee charges recovered subsequent to the date of death shall be added back to the fund value as available on the date of intimation of death.

    Frequently Asked Questions

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    What are the benefits of the PNB MetLife Smart Invest Pension Plan?

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    • Zero Premium Allocation & Policy Administration Charges
    • 1Return of Mortality Charges: On the Survival of the Life Assured till the end of the policy term, 100% of the total mortality charges deducted (excluding taxes) will be added back to the fund value at maturity.
    • Partial Withdrawals: Access your funds in case of financial emergency, after completion of lock-in period
    • Top-up to boost your savings and meet your evolving financial goals
    • Unlimited switches & Premium Redirection: Enjoy the flexibility of unlimited switches and premium re-directions between fund options
    • Choice of 3 Investment Strategies (Self-Managed Strategy, Systematic Transfer Strategy, Automatic Asset Rebalance Strategy)
    • Select from the recently launched Pension Mid Cap Fund & Pension Bond Fund.

    Who is eligible to buy this product?

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    Particulars Boundary Conditions
    Min. Age at entry* 25 years 
    Max. Age at entry* 70 years
    Min age at Vesting*
    35 years
    Max. age at Vesting* 80 years
    Minimum Annualized Premium

    Single Pay– Rs. 49,999
    Limited Pay/Regular Pay–Rs. 24,000
    Monthly Mode** – Rs. 2,000, Quarterly – Rs. 6,000, Half Yearly – Rs. 12,000

    Maximum Annualized Premium No Limit, as per Board Approved Underwriting Policy
    Sum Assured
    105% of the Total Premiums Paid
    Premium Payment Term 

    Single Pay
    Regular Pay
    Limited Pay-5/7/10/15

    Minimum Policy Term
    PPT PT

    Single Pay, Regular Pay, Limited Pay 5 years

    10 years
    Limited Pay 7 years 12 years
    Limited Pay 10 years 15 years
    Limited Pay 15 years 20 years
    Maximum Policy Term

    Single Pay- 40 years
    Limited Pay/Regular Pay- 50 years

    Premium Payment Mode Single, Yearly, Half-Yearly, Quarterly & Monthly**


    *All references to age are as on age last birthday
    **Monthly mode is available for Standing instruction/direct debit options (including Electronic Clearing System (ECS), and Automated Clearing House (ACH)


    What is the Death Benefit payable under this policy?

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    In the event of the unfortunate death of the Life Assured during the policy term provided that the policy is still In-force status on the date of death, the benefit payable on the death of the Life Assured shall be:

    Higher of:

    • Rs.10,000
    • Fund Value (Including Top-Up Fund Value, if any) as at the date of intimation of death, or
    • Sum Assured

    Where, Sum Assured is 105% of the total premiums paid*** up to the date of death,

    Sum assured will be reduced to the extent of partial withdrawals made in the last two years immediately preceding the date of death. Partial withdrawals made from Top-up premium shall not be reduced for this purpose.

    Options to the Nominee or Beneficiary on death of the Life Assured

    The nominee will have the following options to choose from on death of the life assured: -

    • To utilize the entire proceeds of the policy or part thereof for purchasing an Immediate Annuity or Deferred Annuity at the then prevailing rate.
    • Withdraw the entire proceeds of the policy

    In case the proceeds of the Policy are not sufficient to purchase minimum annuity of Rs.1,000 per month or any other minimum annuity amount as prescribed by the Authority from time to time, such proceeds of the Policy will be paid as lump sum.

    ***“Total Premiums Paid” means the total of all premiums received under the base product including top-up premium paid, if any.

    What is the Vesting Benefit under this policy?

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    If the Life Assured survives and the policy is in-force till Vesting Date, the Vesting Benefit shall be:

    Total Fund Value (including Top Up Fund Value, if any) as on the date of vesting.

    Options on Vesting:

    You shall have the following options on vesting to choose from:

    • To utilize the entire proceeds to purchase immediate annuity or Deferred annuity from the company, at the then prevailing rate
    • To commute up to 60% and utilize the balance amount to purchase immediate annuity or deferred annuity at the then prevailing rate

    Irrespective of the aforementioned options chosen, you also have an option to purchase immediate annuity or deferred annuity from any another insurer at the then prevailing annuity rate by utilising not more than 50% of the proceeds of the policy net of commutation.

    In case the proceeds of the Policy on Vesting, net of commutation are not sufficient to purchase minimum annuity of Rs.1,000 per month, or any other minimum annuity amount as prescribed by the Authority from time to time, such proceeds of the Policy will be paid to the Policyholder or beneficiary as lump sum.

    What is meant by Postponement of Vesting Date?

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    You have an option to postpone the vesting date of the policy (the date on which you will get the Vesting Benefit from the policy). The minimum postponement can be of one year and maximum would be up to age of 70 years (last birthday). However, this option is only available until the Life Assured turns 60. This facility can be availed multiple times.

    How many Partial Withdrawals are allowed during the Policy Term?

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    Partial withdrawal is allowed only three times during the entire term of the policy.

    Are there any Return of Charges in the Plan?

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    Plan offers Return of Mortality Charge.


    The Linked Insurance Product do not off­er any liquidity during the first five years of the contract. The policyholder will not be able to surrender/ withdraw the monies invested in Linked Insurance Products completely or partially till the end of the fifth year.

    #Provided all premiums being paid and vesting benefit proceeds provide annuity income. Unit Linked Life Insurance products are different from the traditional insurance products and are subject to the risk factors. The premium paid in Unit Linked Insurance policies are subject to investment risks associated with capital markets and the NAVs of the units may go up or down based on the performance of fund and factors influencing the capital market and the insured is responsible for his/her decisions. PNB MetLife India Insurance Company Limited is only the name of the Life Insurance Company and PNB MetLife Smart Invest Pension Plan is only the name of the unit linked insurance contract and does not in any way indicate the quality of the contract, its future prospects or returns. Please know the associated risks and the applicable charges, from your Insurance agent or the Intermediary or policy document issued by the insurance company. The various funds offered under this contract are the names of the funds and do not in any way indicate the quality of these plans, their future prospects and returns. The past performance of the funds is not indicative of the future performance. The policyholder can know the value of policy wise units as per the FORM D02 through a secured login on the PNB MetLife website ( Tax benefits are as per the Income Tax Act, 1961, & are subject to amendments made thereto from time to time. Please consult your tax consultant for more details. Goods and Services Tax (GST) shall be levied as per prevailing tax laws which are subject from time to time. For more details on risk factors, terms and conditions, please read the sales brochure before concluding any sale. For Further details on all the conditions exclusions related to product, please contact our insurance advisors.

    1Return of Mortality charges will be paid if all the due premiums are paid, and policy is in force.
    The past performance of the funds is not indicative of the future performance.


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    As your trusted life insurance partner, PNB MetLife is with you amidst the current COVID-19 outbreak. Our policies also cover COVID-19 Claims. In case of a Death Claim, kindly submit the signed Claim Intimation Letter mentioning the policy number, brief of the insured event and other claim documents on the email mentioned herewith. Please write-in to us at or You can also call us on 1800-425-6969 for death claims intimations and for any queries on Monday - Saturday between 10:00 am - 7:00 pm.

    PNB MetLife Insurance, amongst the trusted Life Insurance companies in India, aims to provide a wide range of Life Insurance products that suits the needs of an individual at every stage of his life. Life Insurance Plans range from Term Life Insurance PlansTerm PlanProtection PlansLong Term Savings Plans , Retirement Plans & Child Education Plan.

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